Friday, July 29, 2011

Can i be me?

I walk through the forest, lost in the labyrinth
Of not the trees around me but thoughts that clutter my mind
The trees they sway their branches, leaves flapping in the breeze
They seem to call out to me, make me feel at ease
Oh is it me, i wonder, who feels so sad
or is it just the world that is so bad
It might be either, i hear a voice, or none at all
Don't erect around you, a formidable wall
Let yourself breathe, it says, the air liberates
Give people a chance, comrade it might generate

But i am scared, i said to the wise old tree
of becoming a person that never was me
of getting lost to the crowd that surrounds
of loosing my voice in the cacophony of sounds

It looked at me with ever knowing eyes
You always have an option to choose
its the courage that you lack, that makes you loose
You are born to be happy and free and fulfilled
Not here to think every task is uphill
Have faith in yourself, believe in the Lord
Keep looking for what will resonate with your heart
Then even at the most trying times, your spirit will sail you through
You'll be home with yourself, peace prevail, your eyes will smile too.