Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Bon Voyage..

One fine morning, before the daybreak, i took my car and started on a journey. I had no destination in mind. All i knew, was what would it feel like when i reach there.

The fuel meter indicated a refill. I headed to the gas station. It was pitch dark. The only light came from the feeble tube light at the gas station and the head lights of my car. After getting my car it's fill, i began the voyage. I left the city behind. Vast expanses of cultivated land flanked the highway. A little while later, a sign board caught my attention. I took a left. As soon as i turned, i bumped into a speed breaker. Another one. Another one. The street that had looked so inviting from the outside was completely repulsive from the inside. Old rotten houses, decaying cafes, pot-holed roads. I began looking for an exit. I wanted to go back to the highway, or any other street- but this one. I took the first right i encountered more out of desperation than choice. I was thankful of leaving behind the dreadful street. But as soon as i began noticing this street, i realized it was no better than the last one. Keep moving, i thought, something good will come up. Left. Right. Right. Left. Left..................I was lost. A final turn, i thought. The sun had begun to rise. I took the first turn a came across. Ahead, lay a narrow road, lined with trees that formed a canopy. First beams of the sun sneaked between the leaves to touch the ground. It led me to a river. White, flowing over the boulders, taking away with it all the stillness, reflecting the sun rays. The sun had risen. It was splendid. I got out of my car. Closed my eyes. Air gushed through me. I smiled. I had reached my destination.


  1. There will always be unwanted or repulsive situations in life. But behind each one of those, there is a paradise..
