Friday, April 2, 2010

And the search ends..

It is a winter morning and the town is enveloped in mist. I am walking through the busy street of ‘Memoir’ looking for something, someone I've wanted to find for too long now. The street is lined on both sides by shops selling everything mankind can dream of. I stop at a store. The signage reads ‘Reader’. I peep in. lovely oak wood shelves with ornate carvings invite me in. I walk through the revolving doors. Surf few sections, chat up with a stranger giving him a un-asked-for review of one of my favorites, pick up a fiction and walk back to the street.

Coats – cashmere, mink, suede, sweater, and trench - catch my eyes. As if echoing my thoughts, a gush of wind blows sending a chill down my spine. I pick up a trench coat. Its noon now and I hear a grumbling sound. My feet are effortlessly drawn to the aroma of grilled jalapeno cheese sandwich and steaming hot coffee. Its ‘Break-time’. I take my fill and step out - to find a friend of yesteryears chasing her toddler. He comes to a halt on reaching me. We chat up a few minutes, too busy to stay and go our ways.

Oh! I remember about the grocery list in my bag. I look for a departmental store and refill the supplies. I look at the time. It flies. I confirm. I am tired. I put my bags down and rest my back against the rails that run along the river bank. I pause and realize I have forgotten all about the search. I promise myself to resume it soon, very soon, some other day. When I am not so worn out. I turn around to face the flowing river. The sun makes its way through the mist. And I see her. Amidst the hustle and bustle of the street. Laughing. Playing. Singing to herself. Her walk is a dance, in sync with the universe. Wind plays the music to match her step. I stare at her in awe. She looks at me. Smiles. I smile back. I have found her. Me.

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