Thursday, April 8, 2010

Happy realization..!!

Oh well..!! i have nothing to write about today but just felt like writing something..anything! My day was pretty much the same.. as any other day so nothing new on that front. Something out of the ordinary did happen today.. i was happy at work! Well there is something I've deduced today..its allllll in your mind (your what???). No, on a serious note - things aren't as bad as we make them to be. i guess we are the lucky ones who have a job, learn something everyday, have a comfortable life, can indulge occasionally etc etc. I was reading this article in times of India editorial yesterday that said that if the criteria of classification for poverty line was changed to family income of USD 2 per day(currently it is USD 1), 80% of India's population would be BPL. Shocking?? Precisely. So hasn't God been kind to us??? We are amongst the privileged few who can access the internet or for that matter amongst the few who can read. I don't see why we, I, have to crib about something or the other all the time. Is there a need to do so?? i don't think so. Do you??

PS: i hope this realization doesn't vanish like a fart in the fan factory tomorrow morning when i have to go back to work!!

1 comment:

  1. Wishing for something better is a part of human nature!!! Being unsatisfied with what you have is only a sign of potential and a will to achieve that potential.
